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My presentation, "Empowering *YOU* to Shine!" is enjoyed by students of all ages as well as educators, parents and administrators. You'll find my programs and presence to be your SEL and character enrichment efforts in action! I have talks designed for preschools through high schools, though I typically speak at elementary schools. As the students get older I'm able to share on a more advanced level about my life experiences and career as an author.
I share the message of my books, my experience as an author and inspiring life lessons I've learned along the way.
"Empowering *YOU* to Shine!" covers:
Be Yourself: A simple though not always easy lesson I learned to embrace, having to deal with the loss of all my hair at age eleven to a condition called Alopecia Areata. As we interact, the students experience the power and freedom that comes from "being yourself". I share about my experience being bullied, the ability we have to choose kindness and the difference that can make.
Love and Connection: The way that we're all intrinsically the same, we all desire to love and be loved, to feel connected and to be heard. Here I share the message of my first book, New York Times Bestseller, I Love You More, and my most recent book, I'll Hug You More. I share that a love of reading will help develop a healthy imagination, and the idea that you're never too old for a great picture book.
Author/Illustrator/Publisher: My personal experience of going from having a good idea to becoming a best selling author. Along the way, I had to learn to embrace the editorial process, and realize, that it often takes many drafts to get it right. A good book, paper or song is rarely "one and done." I share that our parents, teachers, editors are working with us to help us create our best work possible.
Cheers!: The way we speak to ourselves and one another is important. I've developed a set of signature Cheers! that we learn, teaching the students to use the power of their word and enthusiasm to set themselves up for victory in the classroom, on the field and in life!
Genius: We all have unique gifts and talents, like seeds planted in our heart. We learn the "Genius Cheer!" which will help students to awaken their own unique genius, so that they may share and shine them in the world.
No Matter What, I Love You: My newest book shares the heart of who I am and my core belief that LOVE is inherently who we are. When I was about 7 or 8 years old I was learning the teachings that rang like TRUTH through my being - that we are meant to love one another, simply because we are all brothers and sisters, part of one human family. This doesn't mean we always like or agree with people's actions, words, beliefs, but we still love them. I am thrilled to be introducing this message to our young people, so that we may raise a generation of youth who will be free and empowered to lead with love versus fear, cooperation versus unhealthy competition, and abundance versus scarcity.
You Are a Gift to the World: The message of my second book encourages children to love and take good care of themselves, one another and the world we call home! Our children, as do we, flourish when they experience being loved, accepted and appreciated! This book is not available in print at the moment, but I can supply you with a PDF that you can share with your students and families.