You Are a Gift to the World
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Temporarily Out of Print
You can still find copies through 3rd party resellers on Amazon of You Are a Gift to the World. Any one you get your hands on for now will be a first edition! Sign up for my newsletter to receive a free digital version! We would love for you to share it with your family or classroom.
You can also order this book with your child's name on the cover and used a few times throughout the book. This is a beautiful book to include your child's name in. Order it at Put Me In the Story .com
You Are a Gift to the World
The conversation of love continues with another never-ending story from Laura Duksta, author of New York Times bestseller I Love You More
The best and biggest gifts in life are neither bought nor sold. You Are a Gift to the World reminds us of the many ways that life itself is a continuous unwrapping of magical moments. Flip the book over and The World is a Gift to You shows how many of the biggest gifts are provided to us by the very planet we call home.
Parents, grandparents, children and teachers will enjoy finding even more ways that YOU and the WORLD are the most magnificent gifts of all!